Match Reports

August – September Newsletter

August – September Newsletter

EFT Payments for Green fees

Garry has negotiated with Rebecca for payments of green fees to be made by EFTPOS or cash for a trial period. After the Match Room has all the ring-in names, they will take the book and PAN cards to the bar.

Members can pay by cash or card, for green fee, jackpot and PAN. Their name will be marked off as usual. BCCC will retain the $14 fees and the $3 jackpot and PAN monies that will be returned to the Club at the end of the day.

Death of former member

Ian Schofield has advised that long-time member and A grade player Brian Plunkett has passed away.  Scoey will pass on further details from the family when available.


A reminder that the AGM will be held on Saturday 14th September.  Nomination forms are near the Notice Board and the Receiving Box.  Nominations, notices of motions or additions to the agenda must be submitted 21  days prior to the AGM, on Saturday 24th  August. Nominations will be displayed on the Notice Board on Saturday 31st August.

Jack Smith’s 90th Birthday!  As Jack’s birthday falls on Sunday 15th and we will all be gathered for the AGM, what better time to celebrate!  There will be cakes, lots of cakes.


Our premier event, the Carillon Fours will be held on Saturday 30th November and Sunday 1st December. This event with $10,000 in prize money attracts bowlers from all over.  Many come year after year.  It is a big undertaking, and we will need volunteers in many areas.

The greens and grounds will need sprucing up, lines marked, ditches cleared.  We will also need volunteers in the kitchen serving up the lunches. Please see me if you are able to help at any time.

Daniel will try to obtain sponsorship for the event.



Paul Rodenhuis
